Sunday, July 28, 2024

Out now: Utopia on the Tabletop

It's out! Utopia on the Tabletop. A big glowing purple brick of itself, mixed with something else.

Featuring Alice Duke, Tyler Brunette, Tyler Brunette, Asu İnci Sert, Grace A.T. Worm, Ben Platt, Vivek Santayana, Emma French, Kelsey Paige Mason, Jess Wind, Mark Rohtmaa-Jackson, Allan Hughes, Simon O'Sullivan, Ruth Catlow, Tova Gerge, Maurits W. Ertsen, Siân Adiseshiah, Kellynn Wee, Doug Geisler, Gabriel Caetano Barbosa, Paul Czege, and far too much of me. Exploring games including The Book of Cairn, Arium: Create, Paranoia, Dungeons & Dragons, The Treasure at the End of the Dungeon is an Escape From This Dungeon and We Will Never Escape From This Dungeon, Dialect, Masks, Dungeons & Dragons, Mellan himmel och hav, The Quiet Year, and more.