Newcomers please read

This is mostly a site about science fiction and fantasy, but it doesn't belong to the Jo Walton who wrote Among Others, The Just City, Tooth & Claw, and many other things. That Jo has a website here, & skeets as @BluejoWalton.

This Jo (@jolwalton) often goes by Jo Lindsay Walton. If you'd like get in touch, try BlueSky or LinkedIn.  I also have a sort of academic website.

Or you may be looking for the game designer / game design scholar J. Walton.

Things I am to blame for include:

I'm an editor-at-large for Vector, the critical journal of the British Science Fiction Association. Why not become a member? Editor-at-large means I'm less involved than I used to be.

Short fiction
Seven Non-Abolitions (Phase Change)
Please Don't Let Go (Fireside Fiction)
In Arms (Gross Ideas: Tales of Tomorrow's Architecture)
The Internet of Things Your Mother Never Told You (Twelve Tomorrows)
It's OK to Say if You Went Back in Time and Killed Baby Hitler (Big Echo)
The Comedy of the Commons (Economic Science Fictions)
Cowards Are Great! (Cambridge Literary Review, with Samantha Walton)
Notes toward the party as a dead form (Cambridge Literary Review, with Samantha Walton)
Froggy Goes Piggy (The Long+Short)
Cat, I Must Work! (Big Echo)
Invocation (Critical Documents 2013).
Out of print: Marta and the Demons was a very short near future SF novel. But I've now expanded it into I Have Seen You In Forever. A big strange thing that hopefully will come out one day. Who knows. It is in the same world as the untitled novel project for the untitled press (the novel might be called Half the Sun or Half the Fire or something like that. Or Twice the Sun or Twice the Fire).
The Owl, the Pussycat and the Jetpack (a collection of earlier short fiction, now out of print)

Games and Art
Some tabletop games, mostly written as Alice the Candle. The biggest of these is The Shrike. See more on Also see Sad Press Games and Conjurations.

Utopia on the Tabletop
An edited collection of essays and interviews about tabletop roleplaying and utopianism. Available open access from Ping Press.

Economic Science Fiction and Fantasy database
Just over a hundred short articles exploring economic themes in science fiction and fantasy. The database is one of those things that sort of grew and grew without a plan. If you have ideas or resources you'd like to share, please get in touch. I'm not updating this much myself personally, but very happy to take contributions. I would love it if people would suggest new entries, or submit articles for inclusion. Excerpts and reprints are fine. More suggestions about economics in SF and fantasy by women and people of color, and by authors outside the US / UK, are especially welcome. Some of my own writing about economics and science fiction is collected here.

Literary Awards
The Sputniks Awards were an experimental literary award for books published in 2015. The winner was The Fifth Season so I guess the experiment worked. There is an article about the Sputniks (and mostly about other things) by Polina Levontin and me coming out in Foundation in late 2024. When I remember, I also run the Baseline Award, which just mostly randomly picks a winner. 

Academic Work
Currently (early 2025) I am finishing up a monograph provisionally called After Capitalism: The End of the End of the World, about science fiction and postcapitalism.
I have some chapters / articles in 50 Key Figures in Cyberpunk Culture, Cambridge Companion to Economics and Literature, Edinburgh Companion to Science Fiction and the Medical HumanitiesScience Fiction StudiesFoundation, Finance & Society. A lot of them are about SFF.
Academic / creative professional type website.
I have co-edited a collection of essays on utopianism and roleplaying games (Ping), labour in contemporary poetry (Palgrave), and two special issues of journals, one on crime fiction and the environment, and one on secrecy in contemporary poetry. I co-edit Vector, which publishes some academic articles.
I used to run the Economic Humanities blog. I don't do much with it nowadays though. If somebody would like to take it over, I'm all ears.
More recently my academic work has tended to focus on emerging technologies (especially AI) and climate. I tend to write about it on Medium (and occasionally LinkedIn).

Imagine Alternatives
Imagine Alternatives and Applied African SF are projects I'm involved in, collaborating with African speculative fiction writers, and using play and storytelling to think about the past, present and future of the planet. 

Other SFF Criticism
On this blog: reviewsexecutive summarynew genre Wednesdayshypothesis ThursdaysMonday's child (the last one all about names in F&SF).
Some reviews in Interzone.
Big Echo: Away Day: Star Trek and the Utopia of Merit.
Strange Horizons: Wages for Dreamwork
Ghosts, Robots, Automatic Writing

Sad Press Poetry
Sad Press is the small press I run with Samantha Walton. Sad Press and Joe Luna's Hi Zero also publish the online poetry reviews journal Hix Eros. And I have sometimes written poetry & other things under pseudonyms which are mostly open secrets.
I also used to do Bad Press with Marianne Morris and Jonathan Stevenson.
Older poetry blogs were called Everyone's Cup of Tea.
Sad Press is unlikely to publish anything more, but the back catalogue is mostly available.

Science and Technology Studies, Science Communication, Bioethics, Wellbeing
I also co-wrote Visualising Uncertainty: A short introduction with Polina Levontin, Jana Kleineberg and others, published by AU4DM in 2020.

Communicating Climate Risk: A Toolkit; I'm also involved with the Digital Humanities Climate Coalition and a few other climate risk and climate justice projects.

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If you want to get in touch, I'm on Twitter as @jolwalton, or go to gmail and ask for josephclwalton. & sort of on Tumblr  & as of 2022 I am sometimes around on the Conjured Games and Rite Gud Discords.

Here's the "about" post I wrote when I started this blog, back when it was still called The Lorraine Concern. Things haven't really worked out the way I planned. Some important stuff to think about now:

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