Sunday, January 6, 2013

Introspection note


(1) What simulation-theory / theory-theory hybrids are available? Could different persons be distributed along a spectrum of simulation-theory theory-theory hybridity?

(2) Varieties of simulationism: direct matching; inverse modelling; response modelling ("the function of mirror neurons in social cognition is not so much to “mirror” the target’s action; rather the function is to instantly prepare a complementary action in response to the target"); Alvin Goldman's simulationism ("it is essential that the simulating system recognize its own mental states"); Gordon & Heal's radical world-directed simulationism ("the person is thinking about the world from the perspective of the person being simulated, rather than thinking about their beliefs, desires and other psychological states"; cf. ascent routine).

(3) When meeting someone new, I have a strong sense of an existing relationship or trace being adapted for the purpose. There's usually a superficial &/or circumstantial resemblance / resonance. Could this have anything at all to do with simulationism?

(4) In a group, the impression that I am "anchored" in the vision of one particular person other than myself. Radicalised in crushes and limerence.

(4a) Relationship between simulationism & what is perhaps misleadingly called "objectification."

(4b) Possibility of "thick" simulationism in which scraps of personality, perspective, memory are lathed into offline representations ("homunculi" [cf. defixiones in WiP Beyonce]).

(4c) Possibility of hybrid "homunculi" in group situations. Cf. ideal reader, imagined audience, et al.

(4d) If simulation worked like this, how quickly and easily could you switch from one perspective to another?

(5) Also BTW cf. cognitive impenetrability, systems doing "double duty" (fully online representation / offline or perhaps somehow partly subvening online representations).

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